April 2022
new work by:
Coulter Fussell
April 28 - May 22
Opening Reception: Friday, April 29, 5 - 8 PM
My Love For You Is Deathless
“My love for you is deathless,” a quote taken from a letter a Union soldier wrote to his wife a week before he was killed at the First Battle of Bull Run, informs Fussell’s exhibition; a rumination on conflict and violence. A microcosmic study of the mechanics of domestic relationships juxtaposed with civilizational and global conflicts is the theme of the exhibition, a story as old as time. Security, desperation, obsession, boundaries, control and reconstruction are all explored in Fussell’s latest body of work.
Fussell wrote the following about My Love For You Is Deathless:
These quilts are my exploration into the dual nature of violence; the cosmic and inescapable relational dance between entities in conflict. Using infamous to obscure pan-global military histories as prompts and props for my own personal tales of discord and redemption, I push boundaries by way of making connections across decades, places, time and dimensions. Drawing stylistically from a childhood spent reading comic books and watching nature shows in my hometown near the military base of Fort Benning, Georgia, I rely on our comparatively small mysteries and dramas to talk of the universal dynamic.
Through the strict geometry of traditional quilting methods, I speak to the wild acceptance that we are mathematically bound to our natures but that there is beauty, escape and optioning in that very same math.
As my quilting carries me further into the land of painting and sculpture, I am playing my hyper-personal stories as wild melodies in tandem with the harmony of broad themes of fate, force and freedom.
My quilts are all hand-sewn from discarded textiles, donated clothes, holograms, lenticular souvenir postcards and cotton batting.
Graft and Stealth, 66" x 70"
Country Captain, 57" x 56"
Love Bomb, 59" x 65"
Banks of the Potomac, 58" x 84"
My Love For You Is Deathless, 56" x 70"
AirLand, 78" x 75"
Dresden, 33" x 33"
Golden Eye, 31" x 33"
Top Bunker, 33" x 33"
Comforter, 28" x 28"
Secret States, 28" x 28"
The Proving Ground, 41" x 62"
Cincinnati Traveler, 82" x 67"
Cincinnati Traveler
Fabrica, 42" x 35"