Summer Group Exhibition
Brooke P. Alexander, Jere Allen, Claire Baskin, Carl Blackledge, Katelyn Chapman, Langdon Clay, Maude Schuyler Clay, Sophie Clay, Houston Cofield, Ashleigh Coleman, William Dunlap, Cathy Fussell, Coulter Fussell, Fred Fussell, Amanda Greene, Laurin McCracken, Cetin Oguz, Wendy Olson, Jared Spears, and Stacy Underwood
June 6 - July 13
Opening Reception:
Thursday, June 13, 5 - 7 PM
Strawberries, Brooke P. Alexander
Windowsill I, Brooke P. Alexander
Windowsill II, Brooke P. Alexander
Woman with Still Life, Jere Allen
Still Life of a College Girl, Claire Baskin
Give Me Death or Give Me Ranch, Claire Baskin
Blood Orange, Carl Blackledge
Seconds, Katelyn Chapman
Transplants, Katelyn Chapman
Horse Tomatoes, Sumner, MS, Langdon Clay
Orange Slice, Lover's Lane, Ocean Springs, MS, Langdon Clay
Apples, Sumner, MS, Maude Schuyler Clay
Eve Wuz Here, Sophie Clay
Extra! Extra! Sophie Clay
Mama's Salt and Pepper Shakers, Houston Cofield
Fruit Basket: "With Love and Sympathy", Houston Cofield
Split, Ashleigh Coleman
Fruit Study I, William Dunlap
Fruit Study II, William Dunlap
Peach Orchard, Cathy Fussell
Sliced Watermelons, Fred Fussell
Fruit Bowl, Fred Fussell
Still Warm, Amanda Greene
Propane Watermelon, Amanda Greene
Summer Parking Lot, Amanda Greene
Scarlett Prince, Amanda Greene
Sunland, Amanda Greene
Fruits and Vegetables in Wooden Bowl, Laurin McCracken
Not an Apple, Cetin Oguz
Night Plums, Jared Spears
Day Tomatoes, Jared Spears
La Chiquita, Stacy Underwood